Under the Lights: Help bring Epilepsy to the Big Screen
Miles Levin is a filmmaker living with epilepsy. He’s currently working on what will be the biggest epilepsy awareness campaign of all time. Featuring big star actors and based on the award winning short film by the same name about a boy with epilepsy trying to go to prom – Under the Lights is a full-length movie destined for streaming platforms, bringing 10s of millions of eyes to the struggles of living with epilepsy.
We hope you’ll consider contributing to his campaign to make this important effort possible. Every share counts!
A huge problem the epilepsy community faces is getting outside our silo and being heard by the general public. Miles believes that the root of stigma is that for most people, the only time they’ve seen a seizure is in a hospital show or horror movie. If tens of millions see a character whose experience with epilepsy is empathetic, and universal, we won’t have to teach them to do the right thing. The medicine for cruelty is empathy.

Epilepsy Alliance America Board members with Miles Levin at AES: December 2023
Miles won an award for the concept for this film at Tribeca last year, and has brought on Vanishing Angle, a production company whose films play and win the top festivals in the world every year. The film is set to feature major stars. Never before has there been so much power behind an epilepsy story.
Miles is raising money to finish his budget, we hope you’ll take a look, share and help us in this effort to end stigma.
We hope you’ll consider following or donating.
Watch the short