Planning for the transiton from pediatric to adult care for people with epilepsy is vital. The tools and resources provided on this page provide information for people with epilepsy and their caregivers to ensure that a successful transition can occur.

C.A.R.E Binder

The C.A.R.E Binder is a resource for families who are Caring for Adults with a Rare Epilepsy.

This interactive, fillable PDF resource has been created to support families as they begin to work through long‐term adult care planning for their loved one with a rare epilepsy. It can guide you through some of the challenges families face as their loved one ages into adulthood. There are resources available to you such as patient organizations who offer many types of support services, including connecting you with other patient families who have gone through this process. Rare patient organizations like the Dravet Syndrome Foundation, Lennox‐Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) Foundation, TSC Alliance, and others provide a lifeline to families in their communities. and the C.A.R.E. Binder were proudly developed in collaboration with the Dravet Syndrome Foundation, Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Foundation, TSC Alliance and other organizations who support families like yours and was made possible through UCB funding and partnership.

We'd love to hear your feedback on the C.A.R.E. Binder. Please click here to share your insights.

Download here.

Additional resources

Transition of Care Webinar: August 14, 2024

Epilepsy Alliance America, in partnership with Epilepsy Advocacy Network, hosted a webinar: Transition of Care.
The panelists discussed how to care for your child with epilepsy as they transition from pediatric to adult medical care, as well as other potentially complex legal issues such as Social Security and Guardianship / Trusts.  Caregivers of individuals with epilepsy provided their personal experiences going through the transition of care process for their own children.


Epilepsy Advocacy Network logo

Transition of Care Webinar: Full Recording

Medical Transition from Pediatric to Adult Care

Self Care for Caregivers: Practical Tips

Lifelong Caregivers Share Personal Testimonies

Government and Other Benefits to Explore

Acknowledgements and Disclosures

The Tranisition of Care Webinar was produced by Epilepsy Alliance America and Epilepsy Advocacy Network. All content was created by Epilepsy Alliance America, Epilepsy Advocacy Network and the speakers.

Funding was provided by:

This page was reviewed and updated on December 26, 2024.