One in 26 Graphic

Epilepsy Alliance America is proud to recognize 1 in 26 Day each January 26th

In 2025, 1 in 26 Day will be Sunday, January 26, 2025.

Why January 26th?
1 in 26 people will be diagnosed with epilepsy in their lifetime. But, we know that people with epilepsy are ONE IN A MILLION to their family and friends.  On 1/26 we celebrate all of our EPILEPSY WARRIORS who are SO MUCH MORE than their diagnoses.

Who created 1 in 26 Day?
1 in 26 Day was created by Epilepsy Association of Western and Central Pennsylvania, a founding member organization of Epilepsy Alliance America.

Spread the Word

To help recognize the day we created tools and resources for you to spread the word.

Use one of the graphics below as YOUR PROFILE picture on January 26th (and beyond!) or, print out one of the graphics – take a picture with the sign – and make that your profile picture on January 26th!

I am 1 in 26

I Love 1 in 26

I support 1 in 26

I Miss 1 in 26

Visit our Facebook page

Visit our Facebook page to see all of the terrific Epilepsy Warriors we featured on January 26th.

If you would like Epilepsy Alliance America to spotlight the 1 in 26 in YOUR life, EMAIL a photo of your Epilepsy Warrior along with their name, home state, and three words that describe them (example: gardener, chef, artist, dancer, student, hugger) to [email protected] and we’ll get them in the queue for January 26th!

1in26 Day in the News

Letter to the Editor, Sarasota Herald Tribune:  January 2025
From JoshProvides, a member organization of Epilepsy Alliance America


1 in 26Day and the logo are trademarks of Epilepsy Alliance America.