November is National Epilepsy Awareness Month.

Our Theme for November 2022 is Stronger Together Connecting Epilepsy Communities. Our campaign will feather the connections available for people with epilepsy and their caregivers.

Why are we focusing on Community?
78% of caregivers said that receiving a diagnosis helped them connect to other families, organizations, and communities, and 97% of those who formed connections reported that these groups are helpful. Yet less than 60% of neurologists are referring families to these types of resources.* Epilepsy Alliance America and our member organizations provide vitally needed connection opportunities for people affected by epilepsy.

*This statistic was provided by Child Neurology Foundation from data collected as part of the 2022 Needs Assessment. Over 1,513 caregivers and 152 neurologists participated.


Sofie’s Journey

Epilepsy Awareness Day at Disneyland Hotel
To Kickoff November, Epilepsy Alliance America and many of our member organizations will join together at Epilepsy Awareness Day at Disneyland. Hosted by our Member Organization, Sofie’s Journey.

Epilepsy Alliance Louisiana

Pediatric Epilepsy Expo: Saturday, November 12, 2022
OLOL Children’s Hospital, Baton Rouge, LA
One-Day event. You can participate in-person or virtually.

FOR MORE INFO: 225-298-5499 | [email protected]

Epilepsy Alliance West Central New York

2022 Statewide Epilepsy Conference (New York)
November 19. 2022: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Free Virtual Event hosted by the Epilepsy Coalition of New York State, Inc.

Epilepsy Alliance North Carolina

Traveling Throw Show
November 5

Cornhole for a Cause
November 13

Epilepsy Services Foundation

Epilepsy Education Day
November 12th
This is a free event that we invite our families to where they can receive more information and education on topics relevant to those living with epilepsy. This year, we will be discussing ADHD & epilepsy.

Poster Contest
November 14th

Epilepsy Alliance Florida

Annual Chili Cook-Off
November 13, 2022


Chase Away Epilepsy Walk
November 5

Epilepsy Association of Western and Central PA

Stronger Together: Connecting Epilepsy Communities
Saturday, November 12, 2022, at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott
A one-day event featuring top epileptologists and medical, legal, and social service experts from around the region. General sessions and breakout workshops will offer up-to-date information on epilepsy-related topics focusing on pediatric and adult medical issues and a third with other epilepsy-related information.

South Carolina Advocates for Epilepsy

Purple with a Purpose
Sunday, November 6, 2022 Charleston, SC

Purple with a Purpose

Stroll for Seizure Control & 5K Family Fun Run
Saturday, November 12, 2022 Mt Pleasant, SC

Epilepsy Advocacy Network

Glow Bingo and Boogie Fundraisers
November 5 and November 12
November 5 Tickets
November 12 Tickets

Bingo & Boogie 2022 Flyer

Epilepsy Alliance Ohio

Seize Hope Gala
November 11

seize hope logo

Puerto Rican Epilepsy Society

Watch for the Capitol and Governor’s Residence to be Illuminated in Purple!

Puerto Rico Captiol lit up purple

Epilepsy Services of New Jersey

Valley Children’s Healthcare

Dravet Syndrome Foundation

Epilepsy Support Network of Orange County

LGS Foundation

Thank you to our 2022 National Sponsors

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