Patricia Dean, ARNP, MSN
Nicklaus Children’s Hospital
Miami, Florida
Patricia Dean, ARNP, MSN is Clinical Coordinator of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami, Florida. Patricia Dean received her BS in Nursing from Downstate Medical Center and her Masters of Nursing at the University of Miami. Ms. Dean is nationally recognized for her work with children with epilepsy and has been involved with the consumer side of epilepsy on local, state, and national levels. She was formerly a Board member of the Epilepsy Foundation of America and is Immediate Past President of the Epilepsy Florida. She is the recipient of the Volunteer of the Year Award from the national Epilepsy Foundation organization. She served on the Governor’s Task Force on Epilepsy. Dean is a highly sought-after lecturer and has published numerous articles. Her research interests are on the antecedents of developmental pathology in intractable epilepsy and self-management skills in epilepsy. The EF annual award, the Beacon Award, was renamed the Patricia Dean Beacon Award in 2012 in honor of Pat’s “diligent and tireless efforts to improve the lives of those living with epilepsy through exceptional and passionate care services”.
Pat Dean in the news:
Pat Dean spreading the word about Epilepsy Alliance Florida’s Walk the Talk in Jacksonville, FL on April 30, 2022