By participating in Epilepsy Alliance America’s Support Groups, you acknowledge and consent to the following terms:


The Epilepsy Alliance America support group is available to individuals living with epilepsy and parents and caregivers who provide care for an individual who is living with epilepsy.

These support groups will not be considered therapeutic services and do not provide emergency mental health services. Epilepsy Alliance America’s Support groups are NOT meant to take the place of outside mental health therapy sessions and are in place solely for support services. Participants will be encouraged to continue to seek individual mental health therapy services outside the support group, if warranted. You have the right to confidentiality and privacy by the group leaders and other group members. Confidentiality within the group setting is a shared responsibility of all members and leaders. Confidentiality within the group setting is based on mutual trust and respect. Epilepsy Alliance America adheres to professional, legal, and ethical guidelines of confidentiality established by professional organizations and state law. Legal and ethical exceptions to confidentiality include: a clear or present danger to harm yourself or another, knowledge of the abuse or neglect of a minor child or incapacitated adult, or responses to a court subpoena or as otherwise required by law. As a member of this group, you agree to not disclose to anyone outside the group any information that may help to identify another group member.

You agree that this is a voluntary group and you will not be billed for this service. Medical treatment, insurance benefits, or services will not be withheld based on your choice to participate.

By continuing with the remainder of the registration process, you agree that you have read this document, under the Group Agreements and agree to these terms.